Desktop Simulation
Reality at the push of a button
benntec creates cost effective training for technical processes and high-risk scenarios, in a low-risk environment. Our realistic desktop simulations are not approximations. At the touch of a button processes are set in motion or motors are started. Feedback is done in real time and action sequences feel like they would in reality.
Prepare your team for emergencies – before they happen!
Technology like you’ve never seen before
Discover what is hidden behind technical systems and processes. Training for procedures and operations – either individually or through interaction within a team. Realistic depictions and authentic roles allow for trial runs and practice, anticipating actual usage.
Well rounded basic knowledge allows trainees to complete simulations successfully and retain information. This basic knowledge can be found in classic E-learning.
We enable people to use complex systems. Reducing complexity is a strength at benntec. What is important in a specific situation and what is not? With simulations by benntec, the correct execution while on the job is a very safe step.
Precise and impressive
Mathematically and physically accurate
What happens in practice happens in the simulation. The mathematically exact transfer of real situations into the simulation makes benntec training technology the best preparation for an emergency. Simulations allow trainees to learn what cannot be taught using original equipment for reasons of cost or risk.
Flexible software with excellent code
The functionality of simulations increases with improvements in information technology. benntec is now able to operate interfaces using different software. The in-house simulation environment can be scaled according to project requirements and remains accessible for future use.
Virtual and playful
An interactive, virtual environment (3D-world) provides trainees with situational and practice-oriented learning success. Either an instructor leads the scenario or the user moves independently in “freeplay mode” to acquire knowledge exploratively or to deepen theoretically learned process sequences. Even hazardous situations, such as the right behaviour in the event of a fire or an emergency landing can be learned without risk.
Allow for an even deeper immersion into the training scenario with Virtual Reality Glasses.